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Not at all related to the infamous Brandywine, this variety produces red fruits which are variable in shape and size throughout the growing season, starting off with some really big ones and then settling to medium-sized fruits the rest of the year. Production is very good, with superior flavor. This is a great all round tomato.

HISTORY: The first listing of the red, regular leaf, authentic strain of Red Brandywine was in 1988 – listed by Steve Miller, who got the variety from Tom Hauch of Heirloom Seeds. In his seed catalog, Tom states that this tomato originated with Chester County, Pennsylvania farmers in 1885.


In 1889, Johnson and Stokes released a tomato called Red Brandywine stating that it was named after the Brandywine River which flows through Chadd's Ford, Pennsylvania.



Sold in a 3.5" pot.



    GROWTH HABIT: Indeterminate
    MATURITY: Mid-season
    LEAF TYPE: Regular
    FRUIT CLASS: Beefsteak
    FRUIT SHAPE: Oblate
    FRUIT SIZE: Large
    ORIGIN: Old commercial variety

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