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Potentially huge, averaging 1lb in my garden, mostly heart-shaped, dark crimson fruits are born on wispy-leaved vines that must be staked due to the sheer weight of the fruits or left to sprawl on the ground. Fruits are very meaty, with few seeds. Classic old world flavor.


Gildo Tori, who has been maintaining this (his) family heirloom for many years, devised an ingenious method for growing these potential monsters using a caging system, made of open-aired boxes (think frames). He would make a moat around each plant and water with a manure tea and then place one frame around the plant. As the plant grew, he would add another frame/box, continuing to do so throughout the season. As the fruit matured, he would carefully make sure that each truss was supported by the 'framework'. Brilliant!

HISTORY: Tom Tori brought this family heirloom to Detroit, Michigan from their home Uzzano, Italy in 1949. Various Tori family members have been growing thoroughout the U.S. ever since. Interestingly, the name Tori's Italian Bruté was only applied to this family heirloom in 2015. In the past, it had only been referred to as "the ugly tomato".


Shortly after I listed this tomato on the website, Jeff Tori sent me a photo of the family home in Uzzano, Italy where 'Tori's Italian Brute' orignated from [ 2nd photo -located above the red house (in the lower left)].

UPDATE: (May, 2023) Gildo Tori and his wife visited the old family homestead while vacationing in Uzzano. To see actual photos of where the 'big ugly tomato' hails from is the quinesstial reason to cherish these family heirlooms (3rd and 4th photos).


Sold in a 3.5" pot.



    GROWTH HABIT: Indeterminate
    MATURITY: Mid-season
    LEAF TYPE: Regular / wispy
    FRUIT CLASS: Paste
    FRUIT SHAPE: Heart
    FRUIT SIZE: Large
    ORIGIN: Heirloom - Italy

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